Conference 5 by Gymnastics club Tuzla in Tuzla (BIH)


10.00–10.30 Almir Atiković (live)

Coach and sports director of the club / president of the club (30 min) Full professor and board member of the Gymnastics federation Bosnia and Herzegovina

10.30-11.00 Saša Solar coach (live)

Gymnastic club Inova Gim Osijek

Croatian gymnastics federation – structure, numerical statistics, results, future development plans

11.00–11.45 Emilija Petković (live)

Full professor University of Nis, Faculty of Sports and Physical Education, Board member of the Gymnastics Federation of R. Serbia Gymnastics Club Nis, Serbia

11.45– 13.00 Lunch break

13.00–13.45 Sunčica Delaš Kalinski (on-line)

Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Split, Academic gymnastics club Split R. Croatia Full professor and director of the Academic gymnastics club Split R. Croatia

13.45-14.15 Coffee break and Tour Faculty of Sports and Gymnastics club Tuzla

14.15-15.00 Jamin Bilalić (live)

Possibility to display working conditions Gymnastics club Tuzla and diagnostic center within the building from the Faculty of sports Tuzla

15.00-15.30 Round table (live + on-line)

  • Experiences through the project
  • Opportunities for continued cooperation through joint projects of the European Union
  • Potential proposals for expanding new partnerships in order to strengthen cooperation and involve new countries (Serbia, Slovakia, Kosovo, Bulgaria, Belgium, Germany, etc…)
  • Closing word + our friends from Croatia, Slovenia Netherlands, Sweden and host.
  • Group photo