Inova - Gim

This club was founded on August 23, 2015, and the opening ceremony of our centre, as the first modern gymnastics centre in Croatia, took place on November 4, 2005, attended by almost all of the most important participants from Croatian sports as well as the most important athletes and guests of the city of Osijek and Osijek-Baranja County.

The Centre was opened by the then Minister of Education of Science and Sport in the presence of other important persons from Croatian sports.

It was a kind of recognition in the first Croatian private entrepreneurial initiative, a sports-oriented family, which, according to the Swiss and American model of investment rationality, from the hall of the former Osijek plastic factory “Analit”, along with the loan of Hypo Alpe Adria Bank dd, created a modern gymnastics. The hall, in which our training team, “infected” with the virus of beauty and attractiveness of sports gymnastics, continued to function successfully.

Since then, until today, the first Croatian contemporary gymnastics hall in Zeleno polje in Osijek has become one of the largest sports gathering places for children in Osijek and Balkan region. The club is a promoter of massive gymnastics as a way of healthy living, socializing children, making new friendships, but also a promoter of top sport and recognition of our city and Croatian gymnastics on the World map as an important sporting and cultural destination.

Over 4000 children of different ages passed through the gymnastic school of the club in these 14 years. Today, the centre of the club has over 300 active members of all age groups, grouped by groups formed by age, as well as by the sporting progress of its members, and a club with extremely important world-class sports results of its members.

In the past 14 years of the club’s work, his coaches, gymnasts and co-workers have regularly shifted the limits of the success of Croatian gymnastics on the European and world scene.

We are proud that in 2009 our first gymnastics category A, which was successfully organized and remembered by the largest prize pool in the world, was organized in 2009 by our acquaintances with gymnastics around the world, with the help of our city and our county, and our significant sponsors. gymnastic sport, worth 100,000 CHF. Thus, the name of our city was promoted around the world as a gymnastic centre in which every year the world’s best gymnasts gather.

Of course, our journey over the past 14 years was not easy at all. We showed that, with love for gymnastics, with a lot of dedicated work of our coaching team, our representatives and of course with the support of our biggest sponsors – lots of satisfied parents and children of this city, associates and friends club, can move the limits of sports performance.

Nenad Solar and Sasa Solar, the coaches of the sports gymnastics of our club, acted as functions of the menu of the Croatian gymnastics team, and their results with the gymnasts of the club in the past 14 years are the most significant brand of Osijek top gymnastic sport.

During this period their gymnasts had most important sports results, with which they moved the limits of the success of Croatian gymnastics.
