IMS Institute for medicine and sport

The INSTITUTE FOR SPORT AND MEDICINE LJUBLJANA was established by a group of sportswomen, who, in their knowledge of medical examinations, sports diagnostics and training in Slovenia, drifted to the top. His experience and knowledge they want in one place to pass on to all those who are involved in sport, and you want that knowledge or in their sports activities need as preventive or curative. The IMS is organized so that the sporty sportsman can offer all-in-one gymnastics, orthopaedics, sports cardiology, physiotherapy, rehabilitation, sports diagnostics, individual water training for balance, coordination, power, psd, psychology of sports and nutrition. The team of scientists (health, physiotherapists, kinesiologists, gymnasiums, sports psychologists, nutritionists) in Slovenia is a very strong group of specialists who are involved in daily dating in the defensive sportsmen.

This is the one of the first institution awarded by the Olympic Committee of Slovenia (OCS) the name Olympic Reference Sports Medical Centre. They can offer state-of-the-art diagnostic technologies and comprehensive treatment to top and most athletic athletes, as in the specialists of medicine, they cooperate with other experts and experts in fields such as cardiology, orthopaedics, physiotherapy, kinesiology, nutrition, psychology of sport, biomechanics, physiology, biochemistry and others.

Medical activities – preventive and curative:

  • Preventive medical examinations
  • medical and sports diagnostics,
  • specialist examinations
  • treatment
  • physiotherapy, clinical and late rehabilitation
  • counseling

Sports activities – top quality, quality, recreational sports and youth sports:

  • sports diagnostics (measurements)
  • preparing an athlete
  • counseling